Mark 6


Verses 1-6. See this passage explained Mt 13:54 and Mt 13:55-58.
Verse 2.

(t) "And when the sabbath" @Mt 13:54 Lu 4:16
Verse 3.

(v) "brother of James" Jn 6:42 (w) "were offended" Mt 11:6
Verse 4.

(x) "unto them" Mt 13:57, Jn 4:44
Verse 5.

(y) "And he could there" Gen 19:22, Mk 9:23
Verse 6.

(z) "And he marvelled" Isa 59:16, Jer 2:11 (a) "And he went" Mt 9:35, Lk 13:22, Acts 10:38
Verse 7. By two and two. In order that they might support and encourage each other in their work. Amidst the trials and opposition which they would meet with, mutual counsel and aid would greatly lighten their burdens, and alleviate their calamities. Mutual counsel might also contribute to their success, and lead to united plans to advance the kingdom of the Redeemer. Jesus here, as in all the work of religion, consulted at the same time the happiness and usefulness of his disciples. Nor are they ever separated. Whatever contributes to the usefulness of the people, produces also their happiness; or, in other words, the secret of being happy, is to be useful.

(b) "And he called unto him" Mt 10:1, Mk 3:13, Lk 9:1, 10:3
Verses 8-11. Mt 10:9 and Mt 10:10-15. In Mt 10:5, they were commanded not to go among the Gentiles or Samaritans. Mark omits that direction, perhaps, because he was writing for the Gentiles, and the direction might create unnecessary difficulty or offence. Perhaps he omits it also because the command was given for a temporary purpose, and was not in force at tile time of his writing.

(1) "no money" or, "The word signifies a piece of brass money, in value somewhat less than a farthing" Lk 9:3.
Verse 9.

(c) "shod" Eph 6:15 (d) "sandals" Acts 12:8
Verse 11.

(e) "shake" Neh 5:15, Acts 13:51 (2) "Sodom and Gomorrha" "or"
Verse 12. Preached that men should repent. See the nature of repentance explained in Mt 3:2. They were now called upon to repent, and reform their lives, because sin was evil; because the Messiah had come to preach forgiveness to the penitent; and because at his presence it was fit that the nation should turn from its sins, and prepare to receive him.

(f) "repent" Lk 24:47, Acts 2:28, 3:19
Verse 13. Cast out many devils. Mt 4:24.

And anointed with oil, etc. Anointing with oil was in common use among the Jews in cases of sickness. It was supposed to have a mild, soothing, and alleviating effect on the body. In Jas 5:14, the elders of the church, in connexion with prayers, were directed also to anoint the sick with oil. It was also used in wounds. The good Samaritan poured in oil and wine into the wounds of the waylaid Jew, Lk 10:34. Josephus says, that in the last sickness of Herod, his physicians commanded him to be anointed with oil. It need not be supposed, however, that the apostles used oil for mere medical purposes. It was used, probably, like the imposition of hands, or like our Saviour's anointing the eyes of the blind with clay, merely as a sign, in expectation of imparting that aid and comfort from God which was sought, and which was represented by the natural, soothing, and gentle effect of oil.

(g) "many devils" Lk 10:17 (h) "oil" Jas 5:14
Verses 14-20. See this account of the death of John the Baptist fully explained in Mt 14:1-12.

(g) "King Herod" Mt 14:1, Lk 9:7
Verse 15.

(h) "said" Mt 16:14, Mk 8:28
Verse 18.

(i) "lawful" Lev 18:16
Verse 19.

(1) "had a quarrel" or, "an inward grudge"
Verse 20. He did many things. But he did not do the thing which was demanded of him--to break off from his sins. He attempted to make a compromise with his conscience. He still loved his sins, and did other things which he supposed might be accepted, in the place of putting away, as he ought, the wife of his brother--the polluted and adulterous woman with whom he lived. Perhaps he treated John kindly, or spoke well of him, or aided him in his wants; and attempted in this way to silence his rebukes, and destroy his faithfulness. This was probably before John was imprisoned. So sinners often treat ministers kindly, and do much to make them comfortable, and hear them gladly, while they are still unwilling to do the thing which is demanded of them, to repent and believe the gospel. They expect that their kind attentions will be accepted in the place of what God demands--repentance and the forsaking of their sins.

(k) "feared" Ex 11:3, Eze 2:5-7 (2) "observed him" or, "kept him", or "saved him"
Verse 21.

(l) "???" Gen 40:20
Verse 22.

(m) "and danced" Isa 3:16
Verse 23.

(n) "Whatsoever" Est 5:3,6, 7:2
Verse 25.

(o) "head of John" Ps 37:12,14
Verse 27.

(3) "executioner" or, "one of his guard"
Verse 29.

(p) "they came" Acts 8:2
Verse 30. And the apostles gathered themselves together. That is, those whom he had sent out two and two, Mk 6:7. Having travelled around the country, they returned and met the Saviour at Capernaum.

(q) "And the apostles" Lk 9:10
Verse 31. A desert place. A retired place, across the sea from Capernaum, where they would he free from interruption.

Coming and going. Coming to be healed and retiring, or coming to hear him preach. It means that they were thronged, that there was a vast multitude attending his preaching.
Verses 32-44. Mt 14:13 and Mt 14:14-21

Verse 32. By ship. By a boat, a small vessel.

Privately. Without making their plan known. They intended to go privately. It appears, however, that their intention became known, and multitudes followed them.
Verse 33. Afoot thither. On foot to the place where they saw them going.

Out of all cities. All cities or large towns in the neighbourhood.
Verse 34. Much people--as sheep, etc. They had no one to teach them, and guide them. The priests and scribes were proud, corrupt, and despised the common people and neglected them.

(r) "because they were" 1Kgs 22:17
Verse 35. The time is far passed. The day is almost gone. It is drawing near night.

(s) "And when the day" Mt 14:15, Lk 9:12, Jn 6:5
Verse 37. Two hundred pennyworth of bread. About 27 dollars, [or �6 sterling.] As the disciples had a common purse in which they carried their little property, consisting of the donations of their friends, and money to be given to the poor, (compare Jn 12:6; Mt 26:8,9; Lk 8:30 it is not improbable that they had, at this time, about this sum in their possession. Philip--for it was he who asked the question, (Jn 6:7)--asked, with a mixture of wonder and agitation, whether they should take all their little property, and spend it on a single meal? And even if we should, said he, it would not be sufficient to satisfy such a multitude. It was implied in this, that in his view they could not provide for them if they wished to, and that it would be better to send them away than to attempt it.

(t) "Shall we go" Nu 11:13,22, 2Kgs 4:43 (1) "two hundred" Mt 18:28
Verse 39.

(u) "commanded" Mt 15:35, Mk 8:6
Verse 40. In ranks. Literally, in the form of square beds in a garden. By square, regularly formed companies.

By hundreds, and by fifties. Some companies had a hundred in, and some fifty. We need not suppose that these were exactly formed, or arranged; but that this was about the number. The expression indicates a multitude. There were so many, that they sat down, by hundreds and by fifties, in separate companies, on the green grass.
Verse 41.

(v) "and blessed" 1Sam 9:13, Mt 26:26, Lk 24:30
Verse 42.

(w) "And they did" De 8:3
Verse 43. Twelve baskets. Baskets belonging to the disciples, in which they carried their provisions, or, perhaps, belonging to some of the multitude.

Fragments. Broken pieces of the bread that remained.
Verses 45-56. Mt 14:22 and Mt 23:1-26:75

(x) "And straightway" Mt 14:22, Jn 6:17 (2) "before unto Bethsaida" or, "over against Bethsaida"
Verse 46.

(y) "he departed" Mt 6:6, Mk 1:35, Lk 6:12
Verse 48.

(z) "toiling in rowing" Jonah 1:13 (a) "have passed" Lk 24:28
Verse 49.

(b) "they saw him" Job 9:8 (c) "they supposed it" Lk 24:37
Verse 50.

(d) "Be of good cheer" Isa 43:2
Verse 51.

(e) "and the wind" Ps 93:3,4
Verse 52. They considered not the miracle of the loaves. They did not remember or call to mind the power which Jesus had shown in feeding the five thousand by a miracle, and that, having done that, he had power also to save them from the storm.

Their heart was hardened. Their mind was dull to perceive it. This does not mean that they were opposed to Jesus, or that they had what we denominate hardness of heart, but simply, that they were slow to perceive his power; they did not quickly learn, as they ought to have done, that he had all power, and could therefore allay the storm. The word heart is frequently used in this sense. See Eph 1:18, in Greek; Rom 1:21, 2:15, 2Cor 4:6.

(f) "hardened" Isa 43:17
Verse 53.

(g) "And when" Mt 14:34
Verse 54. they knew him. They recollected him, for he had been there before, and worked miracles. Verse 55.

(h) "And ran" Mt 4:24, Mk 2:1-3
Verse 56. The border of his garment. Mt 9:20.

(i) "touch" Mt 9:20, Mk 5:27,28, Acts 19:12 (k) "border" Nu 15:38,39 (1) "touched him" or, "it"
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